And welcome!

Sarah's quilts have roots in both modern and traditional quilting, making her a firm favourite with quilters new and old. You could call her a "modern traditionalist"
​Sarah Fielke is an award winning quilt designer from Sydney, Australia. In her 25 years in the quilting industry, her 19 best selling quilt books have sold over 200,000 copies worldwide and have been translated into 5 languages. Her quilts have roots in both modern and traditional quilting, making her a firm favourite with quilters new and old.
Her first book, Material Obsession, is widely described as having been at the forefront of the Modern Quilting movement, and is a staple in many quilter's libraries. Material Obsession Two followed, and then Quilting, From Little Things, her first solo book. These were joined by Quilted With Love, Cute Little Quilts, Old Quilts New Life and finally Stitch Your Story, published with Lucky Spool in 2019. She has also self published 12 books of her popular Block of the Month designs.
Sarah's Block of the Month program is hugely popular and has over 2,000 subscribers each year. Her twelve programs, Happy Days (2016), Down the Rabbit Hole (2017), Simple Folk and The Grasshopper (both 2018), Coming Home (2019), Growing Wild and A Little Wilderness (2020), Rainy Days and Sun Rays and Merry and Bright (2022), The Secret Garden and Homeward Bound (2023) and Stop, Thief! (2024) are currently available to customers and shops as books which include video instruction.
These are joined in 2024 by her current BOM, Big Woods, designed as the Free Spirit Block of the Month with her friend Tula Pink, is open for subscription at her website.
Sarah has designed fabric for Lecien Japan, Spotlight Australia and Windham Fabrics in the USA. She is a Craftsy instructor and has several on demand video classes available at her website.
Sarah has been a proud Aurifil designer for almost ten years, and currently has three collections available - Big Stitch Hand Quilting, Everyday Appliqué and Big Woods.
You can find Sarah at her website, www.sarahfielke.com, or on Instagram @sfielke and Facebook /sarahfielkequilts. She teaches worldwide, and loves to hear from her students and customers.
Contact: sarah@sarahfielke.com
Sarah loves answering questions and hearing from those of you who have made her quilts or enjoyed her books. Come and say hi!