Busy Busy Busy
Hi everyone, I hope you're all well! I'm writing this covered in flour... my house is an absolute bombsite and it's going to be a late night! That's OK though, it will all get done in the end - it always does.
This Friday and Saturday is my Sew Surfside Retreat, here in Avalon Beach. That wouldn't be such a drama except that I managed to have post surgery complications that have kept me off my feet. And then the threads for my project with Aurifil for their Thread Labs 2.0 program were held up in customs - meaning that I had a week to make the project, write the pattern, film the video tutorials and an interview.... and cut and pack all the kits for the retreat, pack the patterns, bake all the morning/afternoon tea cakes and bikkies and put sleeves on my quilts for the Sydney Quilt Show. ::::laughs madly pulls at hair::::
No really I'm fine, but I really have to go now and put another cake in the oven, and start sewing the sleeves on. I love you all and everything, but I just can't hang out today. I'm going to leave you with the recipe for what is currently my absolute favourite cake to bake - I'm looking forward to a slice on Friday in class. Its from a beautiful cookbook called The Plain Cake Appreciation Society, by Tilly Pamment. It's a fairly recent book but my copy is already covered in smears and dusted with flour - always a sign of a good cookbook. Here is the recipe for A Plain Cake with Passionfruit Buttercream
And while Im at it, the recipe for my all time favourite fallback cake, that I make every time I need to make something that looks​ complicated and fancy but is actually really easy and quick. They'll be having this in class on Saturday!
I promise a nice long post with all the fun stuff from the retreat next week, ​and also a discount code on two new patterns.... yep I know lots of you are waiting, next week I'll be releasing the Tidy Town Caddy and Tweedle Dee Pouch. Smites will get a little discount, and also first grabs on the (very) limited fabric kits for the Pouch.
Happy Wednesday peeps, I hope life is fab where you are.
Sarah x