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Writer's pictureSarah Fielke

Festive Balsamic Figs

​Hi everyone,

Apologies for the lateness of this week's StitchyMites, but as you'll see I was waiting on a special guest, who I promised could help me cook. We have made some jars of balsamic figs for you! This is one of my favourite Christmas recipes, because it's easy but it doesn't look it, they makes a lovely gift and they're totally delicious! You can use the figs with cheese and crackers, sliced thinly on top of a salad with feta, with ham or cold turkey, and they're even good cut in little chunks and stirred through ice cream.

To make the figs, you will need:

250g dried wild figs

1 cup (250ml) of balsamic vinegar

3/4 cup (185ml) water

3/4 cup (165g) caster sugar

Cut a little over half of the figs in half (be careful, they're quite hard and they have a habit of rolling away). Put them into a big saucepan along with the whole figs, vinegar, water and sugar and give it all a big stir. Don't forget the whole figs like we nearly did!

Bring to the boil and then boil hard for 15 mins. The bubbles will start to sound a bit crackly, and the liquid will become syrupy and sticky looking, but not too thick.

Leave to cool for at least half an hour, then spoon into clean glass jars (they don't need to be sterilised) and seal. The figs will keep in the cupboard for 3 months, but need to be refrigerated after they are opened.

They're really very festive but they're good all year round in my opinion! I hope you enjoy making them - and that you enjoy the video, filmed, edited and music added almost entirely by Hopey, just for you. Happy weekend peeps, see you next week


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